
Our Region of the American Society of Safety Professionals make no warranty implied or expressed to the accuracy, completeness, or relevance of any information provided in the sites shown below. These links are provided for informational purposes only.

ASSP Links
ASSP is a global association for occupational safety and health professionals. For more than 100 years, we have provided education, standards development, advocacy and a professional community to support the advancement of our members and the profession as a whole. Our members are dedicated to creating safe work environments by preventing workplace fatalities, injuries and illnesses. Sound safety practices are both socially responsible and good business, leading to increased productivity, a better reputation and higher employee satisfaction.
ASSP practice specialty communities provide members an accessible, virtual network of peers focused on developing and sharing technical and professional content and applying it to solve common safety challenges to become better safety professionals.
ASSP common interest group communities provide members an accessible, virtual and diverse network of peers brought together by shared experiences, to become better safety professionals and promote inclusive safety cultures.
Connect and network with a vibrant community of 36,000 OSH professionals. Gain exclusive access to member-only conversations sharing expert knowledge and best practices.
Serving as the charitable arm of ASSP, the ASSP Foundation provides financial and programmatic support of the profession on behalf of ASSP and the ASSP community.
Take your organization’s safety program to the next level with industry consensus standards that promote safe work environments, improve productivity and drive continuous improvement.
ASSP is a trusted source among safety professionals for knowledge, skills, continuing education and networking. Our widely attended annual conferences are a reflection of that trust: Occupational safety and health (OSH) professionals across all industries, experience levels, geographies and demographics come together at these events to learn and network and advance their OSH careers.
If you’re curious about occupational safety and health (OSH) careers and wondering what OSH professionals do, how to become an OSH professional, and typical career paths or courses of study for this profession, then look no further. ASSP can answer all your questions.

Governmental Entities
The Department of Labor’s Occupational Safety and Health Administration site provides full text of construction and general industry regulations. Their e-tools section is particularly well-regarded by working safety professionals.
The Environmental Protection Agency’s site has full text of air, water, and ground contamination legislation with a “key topics” list to assist in finding what you seek.
The Department of Labor’s Mine Safety and Health Administration site provides full text of mine safety requirements—many of which affect industries that use mineral products. A list of special initiatives in included to help anticipate enforcement priorities.
The Department of Transportation’s site provides the “TransStats” database, and a “quick-answers” link to transportation-related questions.
The National Highway Traffic Safety Administration’s site offers vehicle information and highway safety statistics.
The Centers for Disease Control site offers current information of bioterror threats and epidemiology information.
The Voluntary Programs Participants Association is for companies interested in participating in OSHA’s programs. This site provides all needed information with a multitude of background on the program and participants.

Non-Governmental Standards
The American National Standards Institute is a membership/subscription based organization that is the repository for most consensus and non-regulatory standards in the U.S. Access to standards is by added cost to users.
This organization, formerly known as the American Society of Testing and Materials, is now called “ASTM-International.” They provide standards and technical publications on a cash basis via this website.
The American Welding Society has numerous articles on welding at this website. Their publications include “best practice” manuals and code-and-standard information.
The National Fire Protection Association publishes standards for buildings, storage areas, sprinkler systems, portable fire extinguishers, and much more, including the ubiquitous “Life Safety Code.” NFPA’s materials are sold via this site.

General Safety Related Information
This pay-for-use site has good feedback from those who have tried it. A wide variety of ready-to-modify procedures and safety plans are provided that members can take without copyright infringement. Training materials, power-point presentations, and ready-to-use forms are also provided to members.
This site bills itself as “America’s largest online safety library” with over 5,000 printable pages available to paid users. Interviewees who tried the site are pleased with the value.
This site specializes in risk-management tools for subscribers. It has been favorably reviewed by users.
This site bills itself as the “Free Safety Site” on the net. The contents are useful, and are free for download. The site is run by Mr. Bryan Haywood, who takes great pride in the contents and publications available there.

Specialty Sites
The site of the American Building Contractors has information on construction and construction safety.
The Grain Elevator And Processing Society has information on grain elevator safety and dust explosions.
The Lab Safety Supply company’s site has some background information on laboratory safety and industrial hygiene including some training materials.
This site has child safety information and resources including a “media center” and special kits for schools.
This site has up-to-date MSDS information on a wide variety of materials.
Specializing in ergonomics, this site offers software, training, and consulting services. Users who have tried the service are satisfied with their offerings.